So how do you know when you've found your soulmate?
When you dont have to worry about your parents dissapproving of him when you bring him home to meet them?
Does it just click in your head suddenly?
Do you just know that he's the one you could spend the rest of your life with?
But what if you feel scared all of a sudden because though you and he share that chemistry, you cannot see any smooth paths beyond just a boyfriend.
So in situations like these, what do you do?
Give it a go and see what happens? Then maybe face having to hurt and be hurt in the future?
Or play it safe and try hardest not to move beyond good friends?
What if taking this chance is what I should do? Part of the plan for my life?
What if by playing safe, I miss out on one of the best things in my life?
But then.. what if this is a wall i have to bang hard into to learn a lesson?
Now that I am in this situation, i beg for forgiveness of those I so easily and cruelly judged before. truly, I am sorry. Sigh... What goes around comes around.... do to others what you want others to do to you...
He's almost everything my parents didnt want my partner to be... he makes me so beautiful.....yet so disgusted, angry and hurt sometimes....I dont know whether he's as strong as he should be... whether his word can be taken.....I just dont know...
What to do..what to do....
6 days ago
Can you give your everything to him?
Most people enter into a relationship asking themselves "what can this guy or that girl give me?" And relationships like that will dry up soon enough because both parties take and no one gives.
The first step to a lasting relationship is selfless love. To be able to trust, cherish, sacrifice your all and the determination to overcome all obstacles.
It is not about feeling, but it's about commitment. The commitment to stick with it until the end, the commitment to trust, and the commitment to grow old together.
And once you start a relationship, you should be able to see marriage and 'til death do us part' as your ultimate goal. If not, then it's just a fling.
So ask yourself: Do I want a relationship or a fling?
Karma isn't a good word to use... It's a belief that there's this force of nature that balances things out... and it's not God centric...
So... yeah... you can loosely intepret it as not theologically sound...
He's right you know? Can you give your everything day by day?
If you don't see any smooth paths, but if you know somehow it's possible (and I know you know it's somehow possible, very slim, but possible), then give it a go, cause if it were smooth it'd be boring no? :)
Love ain't easy, it's hard.
So can you give *ahem* your everything day by day? Only He knows the future :)
there's been alot of "discussion" going around at home. at first i thought it was okay to try. but then... daddy said some things tht hit me. i don't think its a good idea to 'try' at this time. i mean this month,this year. give yourself some time to meet more ppl, in australia. if he's THE ONE then you wont loose feelings for him even if you met millions of other ppl. and if your parents DONT approve then whats the point. they know best. you may think 'they dont even know him'. but the truth is, they know half of what he is and dont approve. no doubt, he is probably a GREAT guy but mayb he's just a GREAT guy FRIEND. you said you feel comfortable with him. well... you feel comfortable bacause he's a friend. a LOVER and a FRIEND is very different. when you become his lover things WILL change no matter how much both of you don't want it to. usually if u like or love someone and wanna be with him you feel shy around him, you feel extraordinary, you feel like you want the day to be longer so that you can stay by his side longer, you think about him constantly, you wanna hold his hand because he makes you feel safe. do you REALLY feel that way with HIM? you sms him everyday. does that make him THE ONE or does that just make him a good friend that you can talk to? you feel comfortable around him. does that make him THE ONE? you can feel comfortable with tons of ppl. think about it carefully. do you just like him just because he said he like's you? feelings tend to wonder when someone says he likes you. trust me. i know. think long and hard about this. dont keep telling yourself that you like him.
btw. if you find it stange that i'm writing such "advice" instead of ketuk-ing you like usual, then its not me. lol.
oh ya. and no offence to the guy meant in the comment. nothing against you.
No offense taken :)
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