So I want to teach.... I want to teach and help disabled children if possible... I don't like adults! I love children!
Sigh.... So yeah, I'm not the smartest deepest, or most cunning, I'm naive and plain.... but I love children, and I'd love to be a part of their lives.. part of their development....I love how even though they stress you up so much sometimes, their innocent smiles just suddenly make it all disappear...I want the child to feel like there's still someone who cares even though their mom and dads are too busy to raise them...I want to help them build proper foundations where their parents lack the time and effort to embed in their precious minds....I want to extend my love and effort to those worth extending it to...
I may not be the teacher with the best academic results, but I know I can be the teacher who gives love generously, who'd pass on generations of good ethical and moral teachings to them, who'd love them and nurture them just as i would my own children....
The time will come when it comes.... for now, Bachelor in Communications(Media Management) it is then.....
My life is not my own to live. Someone greater has bigger plans for me...but He hears my cry, he sees my passion. He will provide when the time comes. Till then, Communications it is.
6 days ago
long time no see u have to been?
I'll stick mine to you when I have no time... just make sure uncle shaneil don't tell them the stories...
Hahahahah! No prob. But I think yours would do much better under your wing. :P else they'll cheek the bazookas outta me! :P
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