It felt wonderful coming to school and greeting old friends all along the way. The enthusiasm didn't last long however once the speeches started. I guess it was boring for us because they were telling us things we already knew(attended the col for 2 1/2 years).
I did however make new friends! Well, technically 2... Nina from Bandung, Indonesia and Rachel from SS3.
I found out my Monday classes had to be done in Taylor's Business School which in my opinion is plain stupid. I pay RM 11 K per sem! Hire a lecturer for that subject in this campus, or ask the lecturer to come to us! It's ridiculous that the whole batch has to travel over and do they provide the trasport? NO! Ish... The even more ridiculous fact is that classes for this subject has already started a WEEK ago! We missed a week just because both Taylor's institutions didn't arrange schedules and details properly. Absolute RUBBISH! The lecturer was like ' It's not our fault and not their fault that this is happening. No one knew of each other's schedule.' -.-"""
Wow... how ironic....
Anyway, it wasn't all that bad. Shaneil joined us for lunch and the 2nd half of the day and won a Taylor's goodie bag! Hahahah! Ms Gayatri gave us a very enjoyable hoour before we went home. Plus Audrey drew me a Sailormoon picture!!! She is one talented girl! she did it within 5 minutes!!!
I walked home!!! after sooooooooooo long, I actually walked from my col to Subangville! By the time I got back, i took a quick shower and plonked into bed, then didn't wake till 8.30!! Oh my.....
Anyways, today was supposed to be some talks about success and all, but I've heard that talk at least twice in Taylor's col already. Once during orientation 2 1/2 years ago, and another time within the 2 1/2 years. So I didn't go! MUAHAHHAHA! Instead i spent my time changing my blogger skin and updating my blog! :D
Bah. Now that this is done, I'm off to play diner Dash! Bye!!!
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